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[ENDING AIDS] Scaling Up HIV-Related Legal Services for the Community

    GM Tan & Company teams up with the Advocacy Team @ MAC to conduct a Legal Literacy Community Paralegal Workshop for Key Populations.

    The Legal Literacy workshop is to be conducted online or/and offline to provide knowledge and awareness on Law and Rights to all KP groups. This activity aims to empower community workers and community members when dealing with raids, arrests and detention and also employment-related cases. This workshop is conducted once a year. This a series of workshop participants have to go through phase 1, phase 2 and Training of Trainers. A total of 30 participants from the Northern Region (Cahaya Harapan, FDHA, AARG, Perkasih, Sahabat, Komited Malaysia) and the Central Region (Persatuan Insaf Murni, FRHAM, Jejaka, PT Foundation). This workshop is organised in collaboration with GM Tan & Company a reputable heart-based legal firm. 

    On the 15th and 16th of May 2023, MAC organized a Legal Literacy Community Paralegal Workshop 2.0 for the Northern Region in Penang. This is the second phase of the workshop. A total number of 12 participants took part in this workshop. 

    Topics that were covered in phase 2 of the training is;
    I. Identifying Unlawful Termination/ Dismissal
    II. Spotting cases of Constructive Termination/ Dismissal
    III. Spotting cases of Unlawful Retrenchment
    IV. Preparing a client to deal with Labour/ Industrial Relation complaint

    By the end of every topic, participants are given real cases to do a role play and present the case to the other participants. This role play is monitored and assessed by GM Tan. At the end of the workshop participants are given certificates. The workshop received positive feedback and expressed the need to conduct more workshops to educate and spread awareness to other community members. 

    For more inquiries, please contact MAC Advocacy and Community Development Department, Kavindran Venugopal at [email protected]